Friday, November 4, 2011

Another mysterious Philadelphia Building "The Divine Lorraine"

After my post about the Beury building, I've been thinking of other landmarks that caught my eye when I first moved to Philadelphia back in August.  One building that drew my attention was the 'Divine Lorraine' building which is located on Broad and Fairmount.  According to the building was built in between 1892 and 1894, about 30 years before the Beury building.  In its earlier years the building was known as Lorraine Apartments and The Lorraine Hotel.    When driving by this building you can't help but notice its stunning, yet somewhat eery look.  This building was sold to Father Divine in 1948 who coined the building's current name 'The Divine Lorraine Hotel'. Although this building serves as a landmark of Philadelphia, it also serves as a landmark in the war on segregation. "[Father Divine's] hotel was the first of its class in Philadelphia to be fully racially integrated." according to , " Divine’s followers ran the hotel after his death until its sale in 2000. The Universal Peace Mission Movement still exists in the form of a network of independent churches, businesses, and religious orders. Its followers also run another hotel, the Divine Tracy in West Philadelphia. The Divine Lorraine received a historical marker from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission in 1994 and was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2002 as a site significant in terms of both architectural and civil rights history. After its most recent purchase in 2006, future plans for the hotel included converting it into condominiums." I truly do hope that the prospective plans for the Divine Lorraine actually happen, I would love to live there and if they do eventually convert the building into condos I hope that they decide to keep that sketchy 'Divine Lorraine' sign that currently sits on its roof.  On another note, I've come across a rumor that there is a ground's keeper for the run down hotel who allows certain people to actually go inside the building.  If anyone is brave enough to contact this man and convince him to allow you inside, I would love to join you! It seems like a great photo-op!

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