Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My thoughts on the Military

I removed my post solely for my mother not because i broke any laws, or threatened anyone, lied, slanderized, changed or deleted comments, but I stand by my opinions and if you would like to speak to me please feel free to email me at carlycassara@yahoo.com


  1. Little girl, such a same you made your self look so bad. This came across my desk because a friend of mine knows this Marine you speak of. I am currently employed with the Daily News in Philadelphia. After reading this I have made sure you will never be employed with us or any other paper in the area. I have passed this to every contact I have in this industry. You should change your major.

  2. For all of you reading this understand that the so called journalist major who wrote this deleted several portions of it where she wrote and posted comments that had no facts behind them and were comments made from an uneducated person......very slated journalism...... how can you believe someone who deletes half of the dialog.

  3. As someone who works in the field she one day hoped to work in. I am sadden to see such a waste of talent. The girl can write. However to leave facts out which she clearly has on her twitter account, about what caused the above picture. Along with to voice her opinions in such a manner. Not only proves how childish she is but how she is wasting money on an education where she clearly has learned nothing. Rule number one as a journalist you always stay neutral and state the facts. Yes you can spin them to one side or the other depending on how your article is going.But she has stated no facts, only an opinion which is written in a hurtful fashion. In addition her leaving the marines picture up without his written permission is a huge no, no. This has harmed her career, and her chances of advancing in a cut throat market. Not to mention she has made her self look childish and immature. What she also clearly does not understand is, this post will haunt her for the rest of her career.

  4. I understand the rules of journalism and nothing i posted on my twitter was incorrect. I am also not writing for a professional paper and stated that this was my opinion as in any opinion piece...people are allowed to use their opinion!!!! Thanks for the feedback though, thanks for saying I am a good writer. I have written for a newspaper for years and never once lied/used an opinion. The only time I've use opinion in an article was in an opinion piece. This is also a personal blog and all my posts so far have included my opinion and now I am wondering why I am only being criticized for using it on this post and not the rest of the posts.

  5. You are getting it for this post because I truthfully did not pause to read the rest of them. While this may be a personal blog. It is still going to come up when any future employer googles you. Which everyone does now a days. Your facebook. twitter all of that is going to come back to bite you in the behind.

  6. I am not sure what 'getting it" means but a potential employer, who holds a credible position will see that I did not break any legal rules as I have spoken to police and other journalists. So many journalists have blogs, do none of them get hired because they post their opinion? I was actually talked into starting a blog by a journalism professor. I'm not sure what professional journalist posts their thoughts without their real name also....journalists are supposed to stand by what they say, as I am doing, as I will continue to do.

  7. Once again, there was no dialogue deleted.
